“The Dr. Peter Centre has been amazing during my recovery and was really important to my sobriety. I’m really grateful for the experience.”
~ Dr. Peter Centre participant
Our Nurse Practitioners support those with HIV using an integrated health care approach that sees the whole person. Our team supports people in improving their health which can include administering all prescribed medication – whether that is methadone, HIV medication, direct-acting antivirals for Hep C, or intravenous opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) therapy.
The team also provides a supervised consumption services, all within the framework of a harm reduction philosophy.
Our team’s role is to build positive relationships between participants and the clinical team to reduce negative consequences and harm associated with drug use. The more people feel safe, the more they feel in charge of their own destiny, the more likely they are to maintain their HIV medication regimes.
Our view is that every effort can and should be made to assist our participants in ever-greater health. Anything we can do in this area to reduce harm gives people an intimate experience of what it means to live with health.
The Centre offers:
Harm reduction is food, eaten around a shared table. It is medication taken consistently. It is housing, and access to nurses and medical providers. Even laughter and joy are harm reduction.
This has been the very essence of our work together since day one: a safe, caring, and judgment-free space to receive care.
If you or someone you know is interested in accessing the Day Health program, which includes our Wednesday night men's group and the iOATs program, send an email to dhp@drpeter.org.
For inquiries about the admission process for the Dr. Peter Licensed Care Residence, which includes long stay and stabilization stays, send an email to resp@drpeter.org.