World AIDS Day

Start Date - End Date

December 01, 2025

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Evidence-based compassion.

HIV/AIDS is becoming simpler to manage. Yet the intersecting challenges of homelessness, substance use and mental illness remain complex. While we may not have all the answers yet, we are not afraid or daunted by the size of the questions. This December 1st — World AIDS Day — we ask you to unite with us in one simple task: help us tend to their souls in order to heal their bodies.

This means meeting our participants where they are each day. This could begin with a morning chat over coffee. Then, our committed nurses might attend to medications and health concerns. Lunch provides nourishment for the soul and body. Some might connect with their cultural roots in an Indigenous drum circle or find a safe place for a nap. Some may access therapy through art, music or counselling. There’s an opportunity to qualify for our long-term residences or engage in harm-reduction programs. Whatever their present challenge, your support empowers us to face it head on.

This continuum of care aligns seamlessly with Dr. Peter’s philosophy; It’s not AIDS that you treat. It’s the person. And in a sector of increasing complexity, we keep a simple goal in sight — healthcare where humanity prevails.

Donate today to provide a nutritious meal to those who need it most. 
Learn more about the 30th anniversary of the Dr. Peter Diaries.