Music Therapy at the Dr. Peter Centre

I am stronger than I was way back when. And I lose myself with the music, and it’s a good loss – nothing else enters my mind except what I’m doing in that moment." ~ Music Therapy participant
Music changes everything
At the Dr. Peter Centre music is a therapeutic tool that helps those with HIV work towards and achieve non-musical goals.
Using music as a common thread, therapists establish trust with participants and, in turn, stimulate self-awareness, learning, self-expression, communication and personal development.
Relationships formed through music opens new avenues for healing
Our participants often arrive in the program while coping with other life disadvantages including addiction or mental illness. Through this unique relationship, they shift and expand their understanding of their own identities and how they choose to participate in their own lives. This can result in reductions in pain and anxiety, improved stress management, and enhanced feelings of control, confidence, and empowerment.
Person-centred approach
Each of our therapists takes a person-centered approach by encouraging individuals to make decisions about the pace and structure of each activity, and to choose therapies that feel most appropriate for them. Specific and evidence-based activities and strategies include:
- songwriting support
- open music studio
- karaoke
- introspective music group
- studio recording sessions
- jam sessions
- receptive music therapy
- practical music assistance
An essential component of our integrated care model, promoting strong social connections and positive participant-to-staff relationships, our certified Music Therapists promote a therapeutic community by utilizing low-barrier strategies to engage people in their HIV/AIDS treatment.
- Our Music Therapists provide nearly 2,500 hours of service to participants, annually
- Recent statistics reveal more than 250 unique participants take part, with 13% of those women, and 26% self-identifying as aboriginal